
Silky Smooth Chocolate Pastry Cream

Dive into the realm of velvety indulgence with Chocolate Pastry Cream, a luscious and delectable concoction that brings together the rich essence of chocolate and the creamy allure of pastry cream. This sumptuous creation is the perfect fusion of silky smoothness and a delightful cocoa kick. As a versatile culinary masterpiece, Chocolate Pastry Cream serves as both a standalone delight and a versatile component for various desserts. Whether enveloped within delicate pastries, layered between cake tiers, or simply savored with a spoon, its seductive blend of flavors promises to awaken your senses and transform any dessert into an exquisite experience of chocolate-infused elegance. Get ready to elevate your sweet creations with the enchanting charm of Chocolate Pastry Cream.


What Is Chocolate Pastry Cream?

Chocolate Pastry Cream, also known as chocolate crème pâtissière in French, is a luxurious and velvety custard-like filling made with a base of milk, sugar, eggs, and chocolate. It’s a delightful dessert component that combines the silky texture of traditional pastry cream with the rich and indulgent flavor of chocolate.

Here’s a breakdown of its components:

  • Milk: The foundation of chocolate pastry cream, milk is heated with sugar to create a creamy base.
  • Egg Yolks: The egg yolks provide richness, thickness, and a smooth consistency to the pastry cream when combined with hot milk.
  • Sugar: Adds sweetness and helps thicken the mixture.
  • Cornstarch or Flour: A thickening agent that contributes to the custard-like consistency.
  • Chocolate: The star ingredient that transforms regular pastry cream into a chocolate-infused delight. High-quality chocolate is melted into the mixture, imparting its intense cocoa flavor.
  • Flavorings: Vanilla extract or other flavorings can be added to enhance the overall taste profile.

To make chocolate pastry cream, the milk is first heated with a portion of the sugar. In a separate bowl, egg yolks are whisked with the remaining sugar until pale and creamy. Cornstarch or flour is then added to the egg mixture to create a smooth paste. The hot milk is gradually added to the egg mixture, whisking constantly to avoid curdling. The mixture is then returned to the saucepan and cooked until it thickens into a custard-like consistency. Finally, chopped chocolate is incorporated, resulting in a smooth and flavorful chocolate pastry cream.

Chocolate pastry cream is incredibly versatile and can be used as a filling for various desserts, such as éclairs, cream puffs, tarts, cakes, and more. Its rich and luxurious nature makes it a favorite among chocolate enthusiasts and dessert connoisseurs alike.


Why You Will Love Chocolate Pastry Cream Recipe?

Prepare to be captivated by the irresistible allure of the Chocolate Pastry Cream recipe. Here’s why you’ll absolutely fall in love with it:

  • Decadent Bliss: Indulge in the harmonious combination of velvety pastry cream and rich chocolate, resulting in a luxurious and indulgent treat that satisfies your sweetest cravings.
  • Versatility: The Chocolate Pastry Cream recipe is a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire. Use it as a filling for eclairs, cream puffs, tarts, cakes, and more, infusing any dessert with an exquisite cocoa-infused touch.
  • Homemade Perfection: Crafting your own Chocolate Pastry Cream from scratch allows you to control the quality of ingredients, ensuring a pure and delightful experience that store-bought versions can’t match.
  • Impressive Desserts: Elevate your desserts to a gourmet level with the addition of this chocolate-infused gem. The velvety texture and rich flavor will amaze your guests and leave a lasting impression.
  • Artisanal Delight: The process of creating chocolate pastry cream is a delightful journey in itself, allowing you to channel your inner pastry chef and experiment with flavors and presentations.
  • Customizable Flavors: While chocolate is the star, you can experiment with various types of chocolate—dark, milk, white—for different flavor profiles. Additionally, you can add a hint of espresso, liqueurs, or spices to enhance the experience.
  • Visual Appeal: The glossy appearance and luxurious texture of chocolate pastry cream will make any dessert look like a work of art.
  • Quality Ingredients: You have the power to choose high-quality chocolate and other ingredients, ensuring that your chocolate pastry cream boasts the finest flavors.
  • Satisfaction of Creation: There’s a unique satisfaction in making your own chocolate pastry cream, and the process itself can be both meditative and enjoyable.
  • Pure Pleasure: Whether savored by the spoonful, as a filling, or in combination with other elements, the Chocolate Pastry Cream recipe delivers pure pleasure that’s sure to delight your taste buds.

From its captivating aroma while cooking to the exquisite taste of the final product, the Chocolate Pastry Cream recipe is a journey of culinary artistry and sheer indulgence. Discover the joy of creating desserts that evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression, all thanks to the magic of chocolate and creamy pastry goodness.


Ingredients For Chocolate Pastry Cream

  • 2 cups (480ml) whole milk
  • 1/2 cup (100g) granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup (30g) cornstarch
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • 4 ounces (113g) high-quality semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

Please note that these quantities are approximate and can be adjusted based on your preferences and yield requirements. Always refer to a specific recipe you’re following for precise measurements and instructions.

Instructions for making Chocolate Pastry Cream generally involve heating the milk with half of the sugar, whisking the egg yolks with the remaining sugar, incorporating cornstarch, tempering the egg mixture with the hot milk, returning the mixture to the heat, cooking until thickened, and then adding the chopped chocolate until smooth.

Remember that precision is important in baking, so it’s recommended to follow a reliable recipe closely for the best results.

How To Make Chocolate Pastry Cream

  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the whole milk and half of the granulated sugar. Place the saucepan over medium heat and heat the mixture until it begins to steam. Do not let it boil.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the remaining granulated sugar until the mixture becomes pale and slightly thickened.
  3. Add the cornstarch to the egg yolk mixture and whisk until smooth and well combined.
  4. Gradually pour a small amount of the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly. This process, known as tempering, prevents the eggs from curdling.
  5. Gradually pour the tempered egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan with the remaining milk. Place the saucepan back over medium heat.
  6. Cook the mixture while continuously whisking until it thickens and comes to a gentle boil. This should take about 5-7 minutes.
  7. Once the mixture has thickened, remove the saucepan from the heat. Stir in the finely chopped chocolate until it’s completely melted and the mixture is smooth.
  8. Add the vanilla extract and a pinch of salt, and stir to combine.
  9. Strain the chocolate pastry cream through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl. This step helps ensure a silky-smooth texture by removing any lumps.
  10. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming. Allow the pastry cream to cool at room temperature for a while before refrigerating.
  11. Once cooled, refrigerate the chocolate pastry cream until completely chilled. It will thicken further as it cools.

Storage: Chocolate Pastry Cream can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.

Usage: Use the Chocolate Pastry Cream as a delightful filling for eclairs, cream puffs, tarts, cakes, and other desserts, or enjoy it on its own for a luxurious treat.

Remember that precision and patience are key in creating this velvety Chocolate Pastry Cream. Follow the steps closely to achieve the best results.


How To Serve Chocolate Pastry Cream

Serving Chocolate Pastry Cream is a delightful experience that showcases its rich, velvety texture and indulgent flavor. Here’s how to serve it in a way that highlights its deliciousness:

  • Individual Dessert Cups: Serve small portions of Chocolate Pastry Cream in elegant dessert cups or glasses. Layer the pastry cream with fresh berries, crushed cookies, or a dollop of whipped cream for added texture and flavor.
  • Eclairs and Cream Puffs: Use Chocolate Pastry Cream as a luxurious filling for homemade eclairs or cream puffs. Slice the pastries open and generously fill them with the creamy goodness.
  • Tarts and Pastries: Create decadent tartlets by filling pre-baked tart shells with Chocolate Pastry Cream. Top them with sliced fruits, such as strawberries or raspberries, for a burst of freshness.
  • Layered Cakes: Spread a layer of Chocolate Pastry Cream between cake layers for an indulgent filling that complements the cake’s sweetness. It works well with vanilla, chocolate, or even fruit-flavored cakes.
  • Profiteroles: Arrange profiteroles (small cream puffs) on a serving platter and fill them with Chocolate Pastry Cream. Dust them with powdered sugar or cocoa powder for an elegant touch.
  • Parfaits: Create a layered dessert by alternating Chocolate Pastry Cream with layers of crushed cookies, whipped cream, and fresh fruits in tall glasses. Repeat the layers for a visually appealing treat.
  • Dessert Sauces: Warm the Chocolate Pastry Cream slightly and drizzle it over warm desserts like brownies, pancakes, or waffles. It turns into a delectable sauce that elevates the flavors.
  • Fruit Dips: Serve a bowl of chilled Chocolate Pastry Cream alongside a platter of sliced fruits like strawberries, banana chunks, and apple slices. Guests can dip the fruits into the creamy goodness.
  • Dessert Bowls: Enjoy a comforting dessert by serving Chocolate Pastry Cream in bowls. Garnish with shaved chocolate, chopped nuts, or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flair.
  • Spoons: For a simple yet elegant presentation, serve Chocolate Pastry Cream in small bowls or on spoons. This allows guests to savor the creamy treat with each delectable bite.
  • Decorative Elements: Enhance the presentation with a drizzle of chocolate sauce, a sprinkle of cocoa powder, or a dusting of edible gold or silver dust.

Remember, the key to serving Chocolate Pastry Cream is to highlight its velvety texture and rich chocolate flavor. Whether incorporated into elaborate desserts or enjoyed on its own, Chocolate Pastry Cream is a delightful treat that’s sure to impress your guests or satisfy your own sweet cravings.

How To Store Chocolate Pastry Cream

Storing Chocolate Pastry Cream properly is essential to maintain its quality, texture, and flavor. Here’s how to store it effectively:

Short-Term Storage (1-2 Days):

  1. Refrigeration: If you plan to use the Chocolate Pastry Cream within 1-2 days, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Make sure the container is well-sealed to prevent the pastry cream from absorbing any odors or flavors from the fridge.
  2. Direct Contact: Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pastry cream before sealing the container. This prevents a skin from forming on the top of the cream.
  3. Chilling Time: Allow the chocolate pastry cream to cool at room temperature for a while before refrigerating it. This helps avoid condensation forming inside the container.

Long-Term Storage (2-3 Days):

  1. Freezer: If you need to store Chocolate Pastry Cream for a longer period, it can be frozen. Transfer the pastry cream to an airtight container, leaving some space for expansion, as the mixture will expand as it freezes.
  2. Freeze in Portions: Consider dividing the pastry cream into smaller portions before freezing. This way, you can defrost only the amount you need without thawing the entire batch.
  3. Thawing: To thaw frozen chocolate pastry cream, transfer it to the refrigerator and allow it to thaw slowly. Once thawed, gently whisk the cream to restore its smooth texture.

Quality Considerations:

  1. Texture Check: After refrigerating or freezing, the texture of the pastry cream might change slightly. Give it a gentle whisk to restore its smooth consistency before using.
  2. Use Promptly: While refrigerated pastry cream can be used within a couple of days, frozen pastry cream is best used within 1-2 months for the best quality.
  3. Serve Chilled: When you’re ready to use the stored pastry cream, allow it to come to the desired serving temperature before use. If it’s too thick after refrigeration, you can gently stir in a small amount of milk or cream to reach the desired consistency.

Remember that while proper storage helps maintain the quality of Chocolate Pastry Cream, it’s best enjoyed as fresh as possible. Always use your best judgment and sensory evaluation to ensure the pastry cream is still suitable for consumption after storage.

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Tips And Tricks For Chocolate Pastry Cream

Preparing the Ingredients:

  1. Use High-Quality Chocolate: Choose a good-quality chocolate with a high cocoa content for the best flavor and texture.
  2. Chop Chocolate Finely: Chop the chocolate into small, even pieces to ensure it melts smoothly into the pastry cream.

Cooking the Pastry Cream:

  1. Tempering Eggs: When adding the hot milk to the egg yolk mixture, do it gradually while whisking constantly. This prevents the eggs from curdling due to the sudden change in temperature.
  2. Whisk Vigorously: Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and cornstarch until well combined and slightly pale. This step contributes to a smooth and thickened pastry cream.
  3. Straining: Strain the finished pastry cream through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any potential bits of cooked egg or lumps, resulting in a silky-smooth texture.
  4. Low to Medium Heat: When cooking the mixture on the stovetop, use low to medium heat to prevent scorching. Stir continuously to avoid sticking and burning.
  5. Consistency Test: The pastry cream is ready when it’s thick enough to coat the back of a spoon and you can draw a line through it with your finger. It will continue to thicken as it cools.

Avoiding Common Issues:

  1. Prevent Curdling: Keep the heat on medium and avoid boiling the mixture when cooking the pastry cream to prevent the eggs from curdling.
  2. Constant Stirring: Stir the mixture continuously to ensure even cooking and to prevent the bottom from burning or sticking.
  3. Cooling Properly: Allow the pastry cream to cool at room temperature for a while before refrigerating it. Placing it directly in the fridge when it’s too hot can cause condensation to form on the surface.

Storing and Using:

  1. Airtight Containers: When storing, ensure the container is airtight to prevent moisture and other flavors from affecting the pastry cream.
  2. Serving Temperature: Allow refrigerated pastry cream to come to room temperature or slightly chill before using to ensure it’s spreadable or spoonable.
  3. Whisk Before Use: If the pastry cream has thickened too much after refrigeration, give it a gentle whisk to restore its creamy consistency.
  4. Layer Gradually: If using the pastry cream as a filling, layer it gradually to avoid overfilling pastries and desserts.
  5. Garnish Thoughtfully: Enhance the presentation by adding a drizzle of melted chocolate, a sprinkle of cocoa powder, or some whipped cream on top of the pastry cream.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to create a flawless batch of Chocolate Pastry Cream that’s silky, rich, and absolutely delicious. Enjoy your culinary adventure!


FAQs And Troubleshooting


  1. Why did my pastry cream turn lumpy?
    Lumps can form if the egg yolks are not properly whisked with the sugar or if the cornstarch is not fully dissolved. Straining the mixture after cooking can help remove any lumps.
  2. Can I use a different type of chocolate?
    Yes, you can use different types of chocolate, such as milk or white chocolate. Keep in mind that the flavor and sweetness level may vary based on the chocolate you choose.
  3. Why is my pastry cream too thin?
    Pastry cream might turn out thin if it wasn’t cooked long enough or if the cornstarch wasn’t fully activated. Make sure to cook the mixture until it’s thickened and can coat the back of a spoon.
  4. Can I make pastry cream in advance?
    Yes, you can make pastry cream in advance. Follow proper storage guidelines and keep it refrigerated for short-term storage. For longer storage, consider freezing it in portions.
  5. How long can I keep pastry cream in the fridge?
    Pastry cream can be kept in the fridge for 1-2 days. Remember to cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming.


  1. Curled or Scrambled Eggs: Gradually add the hot milk to the egg mixture while whisking constantly to avoid curdling. Strain the mixture if you notice bits of scrambled eggs.
  2. Watery Texture: If the pastry cream turns watery, it might be undercooked. Continue cooking until it thickens to the desired consistency.
  3. Burnt Bottom: Stir the mixture continuously while cooking to prevent the bottom from burning. Use medium heat, and avoid boiling the mixture.
  4. Grainy Texture: A grainy texture could result from not fully dissolving the sugar or cornstarch in the egg yolk mixture. Make sure to whisk thoroughly.
  5. Too Thick: If the pastry cream becomes too thick after cooling, you can gently whisk in a small amount of milk or cream to reach the desired consistency.
  6. Sauce Separation: If the pastry cream appears curdled or separated after adding chocolate, it might be due to overheating the chocolate. Gently melt the chocolate and whisk it into the mixture.

Remember, pastry cream can be a bit finicky, but with practice and attention to detail, you’ll become adept at creating smooth and velvety Chocolate Pastry Cream. If you encounter any issues, don’t be discouraged—troubleshooting can lead to better results next time.

Nutrition Information

The nutrition information for Chocolate Pastry Cream can vary based on the specific recipe and the quantities of ingredients used. However, I can provide you with a general estimate of the nutrition content for a typical serving of Chocolate Pastry Cream (about 1/4 cup). Please note that these values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific ingredients and serving sizes:

Calories: ~150-200 kcal, Total Fat: ~9-12g, Saturated Fat: ~5-7g, Cholesterol: ~120-140mg, Sodium: ~20-40mg, Total Carbohydrates: ~14-18g, Dietary Fiber: ~1-2g, Sugars: ~10-14g, Protein: ~3-5g

Keep in mind that the nutrition content can be influenced by factors such as the type of chocolate, milk, and other ingredients used. If you have specific dietary concerns or requirements, it’s recommended to calculate the nutrition information based on the exact ingredients and quantities you use or consult a registered dietitian for personalized advice.

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